5 Reasons Why You May not be Losing Weight

Obesity is still a huge problem in many progressive countries, including the United States. Many people are getting conscious of their weight and well-being and are using healthy means to maintain an ideal weight for their height and age. But, there are a number of people who resort to fancy diets that can do more harm than good.

People nowadays are too preoccupied with work, whether they are in the office or working from home. Most spend a lot of time in front of their computers, especially those who handle reports and documents, such as people offering translation services.

If you are trying to lose weight naturally and are following a healthy diet, yet think that you may not be losing weight, here are some probable reasons.

1.      Not getting enough sleep

You may not believe that sleep deprivation can be a culprit in not losing weight. When you have a good night's sleep, your body replenishes your energy so you won't feel tired during the day. If you lack sleep, you get tired easily. When you're tired, you'll be hungry. Lack of sleep causes your body to release a higher level of cortisol, an appetite-increasing hormone. It boosts the level of another hormone, ghrelin, which alerts you when you are hungry. On the other hand, the production of the satiety hormone called leptin, decreases.

Doctors say that your body slows down the processing of sweets when you lack sleep. The sugar will remain in your blood, which will eventually increase your sugar level. The fat cells in your body reduce its capacity to deal with insulin because of the high level of sugar inside your system. So if you're trying to lose some weight, you should make it a point to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep.

2.      Eating too little or eating more

One of the means that people use when they want to lose weight is to go on a diet. However, when you eat less, you will not have the energy to exercise. Therefore you will not lose any weight. The proper method is to reduce your calorie intake. This means avoiding the consumption of bad fats, junk food, sugar-rich foods, and food containing high levels of trans-fat. Replace these bad foods with good foods that are high in minerals, vitamins, proteins and fiber.

You are not losing weight because you are eating more. Even if you are eating healthy food, it will be bad if you over-consume them. If you are eating more than what your body needs, whether they are healthy or bad food, you will gain weight. For example many busy people tend to have a hearty breakfast. But because there are too many demands for their time, they usually forget to eat lunch. Later, they will overeat in the evening. This routine is not healthy and if you are trying to lose weight, you are not going to shed off the extra weight this way. To lose weight, you have to burn more energy than what you consume daily. Make it a habit to include exercise in your daily routine and consume small servings of healthy meals based on your body's daily requirements.

3.      Forgetting to drink enough water

You may not be drinking enough water that is why your weight loss is not progressing. Drinking water is healthy. Drinking water before a meal helps you eat less. Water also reduces your craving for large amounts of food. Doctors, nutritionists and dieticians recommend eating more fruits and vegetables. Aside from their nutritional contents, there is water in them, which help fill you up faster than other things you consume.

Water boosts your metabolic rate and increases your feeling of fullness. To make it more effective, drink water at least half an hour before your regular meal. It is also best to drink cold water because your body will expend additional energy to keep the water in the same temperature as your body.

4.      Being stressed

Plenty of people think that if you are stressed you'll lose weight. Stress can have a great impact on health. There are people who tend not to eat due to stress. However, there are also many people who overeat, even if they are consuming healthy food. When you are under stress, your body produces more cortisol, the hormone that increases the amount of stored fat in your body.

The likelihood of weight gain is higher than weight loss when a person is under stress. Usually, the tendency is to reach for food for comfort, which generally are those high in calories, sugar and fat. Think about this. The amount of stored fat increased by cortisol tends to locate more around your belly.

5.      You're consuming less protein

Protein is essential for weight loss. If you have more protein in your diet, it increases your metabolism, which means that you will be consuming less calories each day. Protein helps reduce your cravings and your need to have a snack. It is recommended for weight loss to include high-protein foods in your diet. High-protein food takes more time to digest and use, thereby burning more calories as your body processes them. Proteins keep you feeling fuller longer as they remain in your stomach longer.

If you think that you are not losing weight despite going on a diet, check out the reasons why, instead of eating less. You have to nourish your body with the right kind of food. One good advice is to know your body type and the recommended food you must take. Weight loss should be a natural effect of eating right, not through deprivation. If your lifestyle and eating habits are wrong, weight loss is not possible

Author Bio:
Bernadine Racoma is a senior content writer at Day Translations, a human translation services company. She has notable fondness for things related to technology, travel, lifestyle, and current affairs. She is also an advocate and mother to 7 successful children.


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