Yup, this is the third of five series.
We want to study both the positive and negative effects of masturbation.
Most people tend to quit masturbation because of reasons they assume or are unsure of.
Let’s start withy the positive:
More masturbation could reduce chances of developing prostate cancer
An australian study showed that men who ejaculated more tan five times in a week have lower chances of developing a prostate cancer.
It strengthens your immunity
Regular ejaculation helps to up your immunity, so says a specisalist in hormone therapy.
It keeps the vagina in good shape
Mastubation generally helps to keep your pelvic floor in good shape. It’s great for your overall sexual health.
Makes you sleep better
Dr. Causcud claims that masturbation helps to sleep better. He explains this using the rush of endorphins during masturbation.
Up your self esteem
Some experts say that masturbation helps people become comfortable with their bodies and coordinate their sexuallity more effectively.
It reduces risk of Cervical cancer
Eases menstrual cramps
Most women relate their better experiences during their menstrual period to masturbating.
Some women believe that masturbating during their periods help them relieve menstrual cramps.
Now let’s see the negative effects
Break in relationships
masturbating may make your partner feel incompetent to satisfy your sexual desire and can lead to relationship problems.
Masturbation creates addiction
Tasting masturbation creates an addiction that can be difficult to control.
Over masturbation can reduce sperm counts
Male people that over masturbate tend to decrease their own sperm counts.
People that are looking to get pregnant should cut down on their masturbation
Loss of memory
Difficulty in reaching climax during real sexual encounters
Hand pain: Dr. Hollingsworth said the hand pain issue is as a result of hobbies like Masturbation.
Hormonal Imbalances: Masturbation can cause hormonal imbalances leading to chronic pain, penile dermatitis, obesity, prostatitis, adult acne assaid by Dr. Ali, An anti-aging medical expert.
Social stigma
Dizziness and tiredness
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