4. Top 20 facts About Masturbation
1.  The vibrator was invented by a doctor toteat Hysteria. The vibratorwas a useful alternative to using hands.
2. Both men and women masturbate.  Infact married women masturbate just vas much as married men
3.  Not only humans masturbate, other animals such as birdsapes also please their sexual urge.
4. Most men in good moodcan’t really remember the lastbtimethey masturbated.
5.  The average femaleorgasmlasts for about 20 seconds.
6. In 2002, a study showed that about98% male undergraduates masturbated and about 44% ofundergraduate students masturbated more tha four times
7.  Testosterone levels isonly related to the urge frmasturbation in women.

highertestosterone levels stimulate masturbation in females but is not related In females.

Vibrators is the 5th electric device recommended for home use.

Vibrators are regularly used by women during masturbation.

When masturbating, almosteverything around you becoe sexually fascinating .

Clitoral stimiulation is the most common way womenmasturbate

Most people shy away from admitting masturbation
People who have sex regularly masturbate morethan men who don’t.

Some countries encourage masturbation among young people:

Abouit a thousand people die trying to strangle themselves during masturbation

You can fracture your penis wghen you masturbate too hard

Dr. JohnHaervey Kellogg, the inventor of cornflakes believes that Cornflakes can help check Masturbation. He believes that red meat excites libido.

Masturbation can’t make you go blind

Bioll Clinton fired Surgeon General Elders when shesuggested that people should masturbate more as it could help check the AIDS spread.

Masturbation cannot cause pregnancy

It’s not possible to get STDs from usingobjects to masturbate except if more than one person uses that objects.


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