Headache or cephalgia is a pain or ache in thehead. Most people experience headache at some point in their lives. Primary headaches are caused by hpercativity of pain cells in the head or when pain-sensitive structures d not work properly in the cells.  Brain tumors, Hanoers are however secondary causes of headache.
Headachesw can generally be caused by :
Concussion or temporary damage to the brain by violent impact
Physial exertion
Panic attacks
Poisoning especially by Carbon Monoxide( dangerous gas produced when you burn something in a congested area. Be careful, It kills!)
TENSION? Discover more in thos post
1.Stretch relax and breathe
Forget about your busy job life family etc now.  You can do Yoga. It helps to drop ension and be a more relaxed person by the go. Also try taking deep breaths. Lastly, drop your shoulders.
2.Hot or cold
Some people find cold or hot water reducing their aches. Aare you having any of these aches?  Try to balance up. Look for what suits you (Cold or Hot water) and use what’s best for you.
3.Improve your posture
Most people are the cause of their bad postures. They stay all day in their office, sitting, getting bent down under the chair. As much as poosible, try to stretch in your office or do some simple workouts. They help to relieve tension just fine.

4Eat less caffeine
Caffeine products like chocolates etc are your favourites? Think again. Caffeine is one big trigger for headache, so cut down on your headaches.
5Use a pencil
To do what?

Putting a pencil in between your teeth helps activate your smile muscles and elieve TENSION.
6Over-the-counter pills
Drugs recommended by a doctor or  that cabn be sold readily in drug shops and are legalized should be taken to cure or relieve headache. Do not treat rebound headaches with bthe same set of drugs
7.Drink plenty of water
Remember our dehydration cause up there. You can start with drinking a lot of water. It helps.
You’ve heard a million and one times right? It comes in handy here too.  Run your thumb on your temples.  Use firm pressure and move your fingers in small circular  motions from your temple to the center of your forehead.  Massaging the bridge of the nose, and doing a scap massage is very good too. Massaging your neck and shoulders while sitting down relaxed is good.
9.Peppermint Oil
Calming and numbing effects of peppermint helps to create a long-lasting cooling effect on the skin. A study even showed that mixing peppermint with ethanol helps to reduce headache sensitivity.
I hope you now know what to do about your nagging headache. Engage, be free to ask questions and I’ll reply you in the comments section


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